Effective Ways to Promote Your Arts and Craft in the New Normal

It cannot be denied that the COVID-19 pandemic introduced a massive change in society. Change in interests and behavior of consumers has been observed by experts, which makes it more challenging for specific industries to thrive in the so-called “new normal.”

In particular, the arts and craft industry is having a huge problem when it comes to promoting events and gatherings dedicated to the celebration of art and design. Art exhibits and conventions have been suspended if not canceled due to the proliferation of the Coronavirus.

As a result of the cancellation of exhibits and conventions, artists, arts & craft aficionado, and art entrepreneurs had difficulty promoting their artwork and events. However, there is no need to despair, for below are some of the most effective methods through which arts may be promoted despite the pandemic.

4 Ways to Promote Your Arts & Craft

crafting tools


With more and more people being drawn to vlog posts and channels, such as YouTube, you can capitalize on such hype. You may create YouTube videos detailing some of your artwork and even provide an avenue to teach other people about your art.

If you are into handicrafts, creating DIY videos can be a good starting point for artwork promotion. Alternatively, if you are into compositions or artistic writing, you may venture into blogging instead of a vlog.

Join a Social Media Network

Another media aspect of artwork promotion would include joining social media platforms, such as Facebook groups. You can simply post your artworks or handicraft on group pages which have been proven to attract the attention of art lovers.

Similarly, for future events and announcements concerning regulated art conventions, social media platforms are also one of the best ways to spread the news and information of the said event. Social media platforms have become an effective tool for communication, which makes it easier for you to invite people to check your artwork.


With social distancing and even quarantines being implemented in various regions, going AR is one of the safest and most effective ways to drive audiences to art exhibits.

AR stands for augmented reality, a technological advancement that allows a 3D digital display of the actual model. With AR marketing solutions, you can easily recreate a digital and online art exhibit amidst the pandemic.

Such a solution is a practical approach now that we are still in the race to find the vaccine for COVID-19. On the financial aspect, AR and online events are less expensive than the actual event that would surely require a budget for location, staff, security, devices, and taxes.

Engage in the Comment Sections

Whether it is a social media site, video sharing platform, or forum page, you can surely catch others’ attention by leaving a unique and catching comment on the comment section. By engaging other viewers or participants on the aforementioned platforms, you can entice them to visit your web or art gallery page.

However, you should be selective on the pages and platforms you will be leaving your comments. Try to stick to websites that are within the arts and craft niche for the best result.

There are many things you can do online to attract more followers on your media or artwork. However, the ones listed above are some of the tested and proven methods you may check today.

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