A Creative Rescue: 3 Reasons Art Can Save The Planet

Earth is dying. It’s a statement you’ll see on cardboard signs held up by environmental activists marching in the streets for campaigns like Africa is not a Dumpster and Fridays for Future. It’s what you’ll hear in Greta Thunberg’s speeches and read in Rachel Carson’s books. Political debates about climate change are useless; people want policy change, and they want it now.

Amidst the protests and the cleanups, there are also artists who are dedicating their work to mother earth’s rescue. Compared to other efforts, however, the arts seem like a trivial contribution.

Or is it?

There’s a reason museums continue to exhibit artworks and sponsor events that advocate a greener world. Art is a powerful tool, and it can help save the planet in ways that you may have already participated in.

It Engages Creatively

Art is not limited to oil pastels and watercolors, and it’s certainly not confined to museums. You can scroll through your social media news feed and see several environmental arts that move you to appreciate nature better. You’ll see photographs of coral reefs, oceans, and animals, and you’ll remember that you may never see them again in fifty years. Continual exposure to various art expressions can impact your attitude towards climate change in big ways.

It also helps that green alternatives have become the trend, especially in fashion. Because art is typically eye-catching, it’s an effective way to engage people from all walks of life to participate in battling climate change.

It Drives Action

Everyone has an inner Picasso waiting to be nudged out of its shell of insecurity. While people have varying degrees of artistic abilities, it’s a fact that anyone can create art. This is why it’s an accessible means of expression, especially when it comes to advocating for a cause. With the awareness raised by art through galleries, street graffiti, and social media, people can use their own creativity to express their support for a greener world.

At one point or another, you’ve surely done an artwork at school that reflects your ideas on how climate change can be stopped. This is a prime example of how art drives action. Remember how you researched facts about the Antarctica region for this particular project? Many people, especially children, are encouraged to know more about the environment because of these school projects. Through this, they’re actively joining the worldwide movement to save Mother Earth. It may even be the precursor to bigger tasks they’ll participate in to further raise awareness on climate change.

art process

It’s a Subtle Protest

Green alternatives to daily essentials like clothes, eating utensils, drinking straws, bags, and even make-up are growing more popular among the general masses. Art materials, too, now have counterparts that are environment-friendly and cruelty-free.

The more you know about the explicit dangers of climate change, the more obliged you’ll feel to make the switch. After all, you’re not being required to march in the streets or yell at the top of your lungs. It’s simply a matter of buying an alternative with the same high quality and possibly better design, only with fewer risks in nature involved. And what makes it easier to commit to this transition? Art, of course. These items are still designed to please the eyes, which just goes to show that it’s possible all along to live comfortably and fashionably without harming the environment.

It’s okay if you didn’t realize art’s contribution to the fight against climate change until now. That’s what makes it an effective tool. People hate direct marketing, may it be for a new phone or new advocacy. Artworks rarely make a sound and yet it resonates strongly and sells an idea well. The next time you hear someone criticize an environmental artist, you’ll know exactly what to tell them.

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