How Technology Has Influenced the Design Sector

We are in a time when technology is integrated into our daily lives. It is present in most of what we do, almost to a point where we are dependent on it. From waking up in the morning to our alarm, to ordering food for takeout over the internet, even up to controlling the lights on our smartphone, tech is proving to be an essential part of living.

Of course, technology does not only integrate itself into our daily to day use at home. Tech is all the more present in our professional lives, offering various innovations and conveniences that help push industries to new heights. Here are some of the ways tech has permeated design industries.

Instant Contact

In design, working with clients is a constant back and forth of ideas, revisions, and do-overs. With technology, designers are more able to discuss the design process with their clients from wherever they are, and more efficiently too. Especially during the pandemic, Zoom meetings have provided designers a practical platform of communication. Not only does it save time and money on both clients and designers, but it also allows them to still have visual aids through video calls and virtual presentations, which makes presenting proposals as clear as in a face-to-face meeting.

Internet of Things


Nowadays, interior design often includes technology. And not just any technology, but smart technology that makes life more convenient. These devices, like smart TV or TV boxes, or even virtual AI assistants, all fall under the Internet of Things umbrella. Basically, traditional and modern household devices are equipped with internet functionality to provide them with extra functions.

This has influenced designers of all kinds to understand that there are various mediums and platforms formerly not available. User interface and user experience of various devices now have to be taken into account, and each smart device usually has subtle but significant variances that require skill and precision.

Improved Quality

These days, while paper or canvas art still holds a strong ground when it comes to art pieces, digital is the more preferred format for other art products. Mostly for marketing, digital graphic design is undoubtedly an in-demand industry that can be found almost everywhere. You’ll find digital art on logo designs for your favorite bakery or cafe, in TV commercials, even movies.

And throughout the years, we can clearly see how tech has changed the way we see and appreciate art. Graphics editors such as Adobe Photoshop or Affinity Photo give graphic artists highly efficient and effective tools to create artistic designs straight to digital format. CGI effects used to be rough and boxy, but now, we almost can’t tell the difference.

Higher Productivity

Because of these programs and applications for digital art, projects can now be done more productively, and without wasting paper at that too. Artists can design from their tablet, have a rough sketch in minutes, and be done with a clean line art within the same day. Templates and files that can be re-used for similar projects also make the design process very efficient. This makes decision-making and production much faster, and as a result, the artist’s stage-by-stage work can be delivered to the client in a shorter amount of time. Any changes requested by the client can be done relatively quickly too.

Architectural Design

3D Modeling and Rendering. Now that 3D technology has reached near lifelike rendering, it’s much more effective to present a structural design to clients. This gives them a more solid idea of how the final design will look compared to traditional pen-on-paper designs. And while it serves such convenience to clients, 3D rendering is actually a quite complex process that requires training and skill.

3D rendering programs like the open-source software Blender allow for creating 3D representations of almost whatever one can think of, lending itself to be something that architects and artists like to play with. Traditional design tools like CAD have improved their efficacy by leaps and bounds, now being introduced in high school as a precursor for more involved CAD projects in college or university. The software and technological tools available for design are now overwhelming, allowing almost anyone to take a shot at it.

Technology ultimately changed the design for the better. Manual designing skills may have been less prioritized, but they’re replaced by highly efficient alternatives that are also very accessible. As technology improves, we can also expect that design trends and tools will follow suit, making designing something all the more efficient and ground-breaking.

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